Our Approach

Active Kreative offers a transformative journey designed to unlock your creative potential and guide you towards profound personal growth. Our mission is to tap into your inner creativity, exploring the full spectrum of human experiences—mental, emotional, spiritual, and creative.

At Active Kreative, creativity isn't just about making art; it's a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing. Our unique, integrative approach encourages you to delve into your inner landscapes, expressing yourself in non-verbal ways to forge a deep connection with your subconscious.

Whether you're navigating personal challenges, seeking emotional healing, or looking to enhance your creative expression, it provides the environment and tools to profoundly impact your life.

Through guided exercises, meditations, somatic work, breath techniques and reflection, you will gain new insights into your own personal growth and develop the skills you need to live a more fulfilling life.

Neurographic Drawing

We use specific techniques and exercises from the field of neuroscience..

Transperosnal Art Therapy

We acknowledge the spiritual & transcendent aspects of the human experience.e.

Colour Therapy

By using specific colors, we evoke specific emotions and improve overall mood.

Flow State

A state of optimal experience with a sense of immersion and focus.

We cater to a diverse audience, including individuals facing relationship issues, going through life transitions, and seeking self-exploration and personal growth.

What is Holistic Art Therapy ?

It extends beyond traditional art therapy by incorporating elements from multiple therapeutic disciplines, including psychology, somatic work, neuroscience, and mindfulness techniques.

The goal of Holistic Art Therapy is to create a comprehensive healing environment where art is used not just as a form of expression, but as a tool for transformation and healing. Active Kreative method involves using art to explore personal issues, express feelings, and resolve conflicts in a supportive, non invasive, non-judgmental space. It often includes techniques like meditation, breathwork, movement, and the use of different art forms (painting, sculpting, drawing, etc.) to promote healing from within.

Active Kreative method is particularly effective because it acknowledges the interconnectedness of various aspects of a person's health and seeks to address healing on multiple levels simultaneously. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of oneself, enhances self-awareness, and helps to. deal with various life challenges in a creative and empowering way.

How does it work?

Active Kreative offers a unique space for personal transformation through creative expression.

  • Discovering Yourself Through Art: It’s like when you draw or make something, and you start understanding what you're feeling inside. This helps you know yourself better and makes you feel good about who you are.

  • Balancing Your Feelings: Sometimes we feel really happy, sad, or angry. Here, you do fun activities that help you manage those big feelings better, so you’re not too overwhelmed.

  • Staying Calm and Focused: Just like when you focus on breathing slowly when you feel upset, there are cool breathing games that help you stay calm and pay better attention in class or at home.

  • Getting Better at Creating: You don’t have to be the best artist, but the more you create, the better you get at thinking of new ideas and solving problems in fun ways.

  • Connect with Community: Active Kreative encourages participation in group sessions and community events, creating a sense of belonging and mutual support. This community aspect helps individuals feel connected to others who are on similar paths, fostering relationships that can provide encouragement and understanding.

What’s the impact?

We need better societies so that everyone can be safe, happy, and healthy, and so we can all take care of our planet together.

We use the Active Kreative approach because it helps people feel happier and healthier, brings communities closer together, and makes everyone more creative and smart. This approach helps with big problems like feeling sad or stressed, being lonely, and keeping up with new technology and jobs. By teaching people to understand their feelings, be mindful, and express themselves through art, Active Kreative helps people live better lives and be helpful to their neighborhoods, making the whole world a better place.

What happens when 1,000 people a year engaged weekly with the Active Kreative approach?

Mental Health: A 30-40% reduction in symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression among participants, potentially leading to fewer mental health-related medical visits.

  1. Productivity Increase: A 15-25% increase in productivity at workplaces due to better mental health and increased creativity.

  2. Community Engagement: A 20-30% increase in participation in community or civic activities, as participants become more socially connected and engaged.

  3. Interpersonal Relationships: A 10-20% decrease in conflict incidents in both personal and professional settings, fostered by improved emotional intelligence.

  4. Healthcare Savings: A 10-20% reduction in healthcare costs related to mental health issues, owing to decreased dependency on medical interventions.

  5. Educational Improvement: A 10-15% improvement in creative and problem-solving skills in educational settings, enhancing learning outcomes.